Business Valuation Calculator

Calculate your business’s valuation instantly using our weighted-average calculator that combines revenue and EBITDA multiples. This interactive tool helps business owners, investors, and advisors estimate company value by applying industry-standard multiples to both revenue and EBITDA, with adjustable weights for each method. Ideal for preliminary valuations, M&A planning, or investment analysis, our calculator provides real-time results as you adjust the inputs.

Business Valuation Calculator

Calculate business value using weighted multiples of revenue and EBITDA.


Revenue-Based Valuation


EBITDA-Based Valuation


Weighted Business Valuation


Disclaimer: The financial calculators provided on this website are for informational and educational purposes only. They are designed to provide general illustrations of financial concepts and are not intended to provide specific financial advice or recommendations. These calculators rely on the data and assumptions input by users. The ... Read more